Day 8: Halloween, boat trip and Berlin
Day 8: Halloween, boat trip and Berlin
Starting in the morning in Zingst at Friday, the 30th of Octobre, we reached our new accomodation for the next two days, the diving tover in Berlin, in the afternoon. The diving tower is a huge building run by the regional association of the DLRG Berlin. In the tower, the boats and many material are repaired, different training courses are offered for the members and of course, it’s possible to dive. Rooms to sleep, to sit and to talk but also offices are included and built around a huge diving tube. In the past, medical research about physiology and the effects of diving on the human body, especially the lung, were done, too.A very interesting building that only few of us had ever seen before. In the evening, invited by our friends from Israel and together with members of the local jewish community, we celebrated „Kiddusch“. Kiddusch is a very common jewish tradition to welcome the beginning of weekend, which, in opposition to western traditions, begins Friday afternoon and ends Saturday evening, already. Sunday is just a normal day and marks the beginning of the new week, just as our Monday.It was a very interesting and beautiful ceremony and an honor for us to be part of it.
Our slogan for Saturday morning was „Berlin by boat“. The regional association of the DLRG Berlin organised a boat trip and so we went from the north to the south nearly visiting the whole „Havel“.Starting at „Schafe Lanke“ in the north where the diving tower was built, we saw the famous „peacock-island“, „Strandbad Wannsee“ and got some information about the line of the former border dividing Germany in the nearer past. We also saw many of the lifeguard-stations of the DLRG Berlin. Cause of taking care of a sailing competition, one of the stations was still manned. So we had a short break there, were talking to the lifeguards, changing experiences and know-how. Nearly every DLRG in Germany does things a bit different and to broaden the own horizone everytime makes our honory office even more interesting and valuable. After our return to the diving tower and a short break, we drove to and through the inner city of Berlin (thanks to the drivers from the local DLRG clubs who spent their time at Saturday to get us there!) just to „Frankfurter Tor“. Arrived, the group divided in several parts. Some wanted to see a soccer game, otheres wanted to visit friends and family in Berlin and some of us enjoyed a guided city tour from „Warschauer Brücke“ to the „East Side Gallery“ and from there, walking parallel to the Spree, to the „Alexander Platz“. (Thanks to Alex!)We had a lot of free time this day and the whole group met in the evening, already our last evening unfortunatley, in very nice and unusual restaurant called „Turnhalle“. The name of the location was the program and so you could find old wall bars, basketball baskets and several other devices we used at school in PE.Although it was Halloween, little „monstres“ and maked-up children were very rare. It was a great evening. The group was mixed, everybody was in a good mood. We took photos and had conversations with everybody, added us in the common social networks, swapped phone numbers and email adresses.We had become a funny and dynamic group of sometimes different but all in all very similar people and lifeguards. And very good friends! That’s why saying goodbye in the next morning was difficult. But we were left with the certainty that we’ve been part of a special and very interesting exchange in which everybody of us made some unique and unforgettable experiences and, of course, photos. We hope that this was not the last lifeguard-exchange and we’re sure, we will see each other again!