Good morning Dead Sea
Day 5 is starting and we will soon leave Ein Gedi to travel nortwards to Gallilea.
The day begins with a very rare natural phenomen: The air is dusty from the sand of the Syrian desert. Everything is blurry and you can hardly see more than 200 meters. We meet at the “Ochel” – the diner room – of the Youth Hostel. Afterwards we made our way to the north of Israel: Gallilea. Unfortunately we had to skip all of the stopovers which we planned. We did want to see a lot of natural habitats but due to the limited sight we just went to the Golan. It is a very depressing feeling if you stand there and know that just some kilometers away in Syria there is a war going on. Some UN-soldiers were also there but it doesn’t look like the Unted Nations will be able to change anything on that situation.
We then went for our little Kayak-Tour which was an example how the world can also function: There were groups from France, Italy, Greek, Israel and many more – and it was just chilly. We had a couple of boats and tried our best to sink the others. I think Frank Blackbeard and Captain Sparrow performed quite well as the video footage is showing.
After the little rafting tour we then made it back to Tel Aviv. Still all of the country is blurred and there is no sun visible. Yet it still is more than 30 degrees and if you step out of our air-conditioned bus it feels like running into a wall.