Navel of the world

Today our bus arrived at eight o‘ clock, on time, and picked us up for the ride to Jerusalem. Our guide told us many things about Israel and the landscape we were seeing. At first we arrived at a platform with a great view over the city of Jerusalem. Did you know, that the oldest part of Jerusalem is not inside the now known old-town and its ancient city walls. It is called City of David and is located in the valley between the mount of olives, where the ascension has occcured, and the mountain of Zion, where the holy sides of Judaism, Christianity and Islam can be seen.

Then our driver took us to the zions gate of the old-town of Jerusalem. Moshe, our guide, then explained about the four different districts of the town, the armenian (christian), the yewish, the muslimic an the christian.

We saw parts oft he old roman road „Cardo“. It was much wider than the streets now and seems to have been really magnificent. We saw the western wall oft he old, yewish temple, the holiest place of Judaism, where everbody is praing and can stick little written wishes in the wall. Today was Monday so we saw some Bar Mizvas

After that we walked through the bazar in the Muslimic district, along the via dolorosa (der Leidenweg Christi) to the christian district there we had half an hour in the holiest place of Christianity, the place oft the crucification of Jesus Christ. Many chapells, many tourist and even more storys to tell.

Personally I had expected Jerusalem to be way more crowded, so I had a really nice morning before we departet to the death sea.